
CBS Burundi is reaching people with the Word of God in their heart language, Kirundi, in ALL areas of Burundi through 7 different church denominations and one affiliate ministry, Good News Prison & Jail Ministry. Each denomination and Christian ministry is led by a National Denominational Coordinator who directs the work within their area. As well, working alongside the other denominational coordinators as a CBS Burundi adult ministry team determining and directing training, translation, leadership development and class expansions. The CBS Burundi Adult ministry is growing in depth and commitment as it hones the 5 Essential of Individual Bible Study, Small Group Discussion, Effective Teaching, Insightful Commentary and Love & Care.

CBS Burundi Adult ministry started in one church denomination in 2008 and has grown to over 1,000 classes with over 40,000 participants. Adult CBS Classes can be found in the city, in Universities, in Prisons yet, the majority of classes are located in the rural country meeting in churches or homes. Participants often will walk 30 minutes or more to attend a class.


The National Leadership Team is continually training and shepherding Class Leaders so that the Leaders are well equipped to teach and shepherd their class participants.


As CBS Burundi Adult ministry serves along side National Church Denominations and Christian affiliate ministries, lives are continually being transformed through the Word of God.


We want to remove any barriers that might keep people from attending a Community Bible Study in their country. Being able to study the Word of God in your heart language is a vital step in this process-which is why we are constantly translating CBS Bible Study Courses. For many this will be their first in-Depth Bible study in their own heart language. CBS Burundi is continually involved in translating new Study Courses. The next course to be translated into Kirundi is “The Red Sea to the Jordan River.”