Augustin Bahaminyakamwe

CBS Burundi National Coordinator

I am Augustin Bahaminyakamwe, I am married to Mediatrice Nkurunziza. Together we have 4 children; 3 sons, Bright Fleury Irakiza, Brayden Ndazigamwe and Brivael Ethan Nintwari; and one daughter Brissa Mugisha. We all live together in Bujumbura Burundi.

I was born in 1980, in Mwaro province, center of Burundi from a family of non believers. I was called by God in 1991 in a miraculous way, without someone telling me about Christ, but I heard a voice from God telling me to run away from the witchcraft that my parents were practicing. I then joined Sunday school in Burundi Free Methodist Church where I have grown in my knowledge, understanding and relationship with Jesus Christ.

God has greatly gifted Augustin with Leadership, Administrative and Language skills. Augustin has served the Lord using those gifts from primary school throughout High School, University, local church, parachurch organizations and his continued careers. He has held positions of High School English teacher; led mission groups in evangelism as well as full time employment in Harvest for Christ Ministry serving in the areas of Evangelism, Administration and Financial responsibilities.

After much prayer, God has provided! Augustin is now the newly appointed Community Bible Study: Africa National Coordinator! In this role, he will be able to apply his gifts and vision to see lives transformed by the word of God.

VISION: A community of transformed disciples committed to deep study of the Word of God and to live out its teachings.