Philemon Sindabonuburyo

National Denominational Coordinator – Baptist Convention of Burundi

I am Philemon Sindabonuburyo, Pastor at Ruziba baptist Church, aged of 51 years old, married with one wife and four kids. Holder of BA in Theology studies, earned at All Nations Theological College and Seminary (ANTS). I was a normal Church goer, attending Church programs as usual, but yet far away from knowing Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and Lord of my Life. I could not understand about Salvation that I struggled much for it, questioning myself whether I am saved or not though I was a practicing Church member. After hearing the message preached by my Pastor found in the Bible from Gospel of John 15:24 that says “whoever hears my word and believes him has everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death unto eternal life in Jesus Christ” , I realized that I am not born again Christian, I am lost and need to change my old attitudes to become a true Christian born again through accepting Jesus Christ to be the center of my life. After the message I felt touched and knelt down and repented all my sins. So, from that time, I understood that I am loved by God because my sins were taken away and now I have the right to be a child of God (John 1:12).

VISION: Community Bible Study: Burundi has opened my eyes and helped me do things differently from the way I used to with an overview of seeing everyone in the World …in the Word of God, connecting others to help them know Him (Philippians 3:10) which is our determination. Community Bible Study International program has become a tool to impact the Church through its vision and strategy of reaching people from out of the Church in community around us. It also motivated the Church to put emphasize to on how to personally read the Bible daily. Therefore, since implementing Community Bible Study our denomination was impacted and brought change becoming a biblical based Church, developing more mature Christians.