Abel Ntakirutimana

C&Y Supervisor – Anglican Church of Burundi – Bujumbura Diocese

My name is Ntakirutimana Abel. My wife’s name is Kamikazi Yvette. My daughter’s name is Iriho Wise Glory. I am a teacher. My relationship with Jesus: Jesus is my Saviour, my King, my God. I love him because he loved me First when he left his kingdom, his glory and die for me and all the nations. I have decided to work for him to accomplish his commandment to his disciples (to us): To go and make his disciples all the nations, baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. To teach them to observe all the things that he has commanded us (Mat 28:19-20). The role of Community Bible Study C&Y Supervisor is to oversee that the Community Bible Study Program is well used following the 5 Essentials: Bible story, Aim, Memory verse, Prayer, Love & Caring. I also train children’s teachers in Parish churches. To oversee the Anglican Community Bible Study: Burundi C&Y is a good opportunity for me serve our King and accomplish his commandment to the disciples ( Mat28: 19-20) in this Ministry.

VISION: My vision is to see the whole Diocese of Bujumbura (and the whole Anglican Church of Burundi if possible) has the children teachers ready to work for Jesus’s body and materials for this noble work.