Ambassadors are trained to bring the ministry of CBS into other countries and areas. Many of these areas have never had access to in-depth Bible study in their own language before.Typically, Ambassadors have experienced a CBS class first-hand in their own local area. They’ve seen the importance of in-depth Bible study and want to bring the CBS method of studying the Bible to other cultures and countries.Depending on the ministry region, trained Ambassadors might contact local church and denominational leaders in their target country, present more information about CBS, and train and shepherd leaders to help launch the ministry.

John and Diana Nally

John is retired from a career in the food Industry and with a non-medical health care company. Diana is a retired “stay at home” mom. After visiting Burundi, Africa, in 2008, God gave them a love and passion for the country and people. During the summer of 2012, God made it clear He was calling them into the Ambassadors ministry through a series of events and teachings from Christian Leaders.
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Marcia Craig

When the Nallys presented about Community Bible Study: Burundi in 2017, the Spirit was stirring her heart and Marcia was sitting on the edge of her chair.  Ready to go, she joined them as a Representative on two trips and was able to help encourage and teach a little.  She is eagerly looking forward to returning soon, with a passion for supporting children’s ministry.
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